While earlier when Deepika Padukone was summoned for questioning by the Narcotics Control Bureau she was said to be “too shaken” to resume it is now learnt that the anxious Diva is now confident enough to return to Goa to continue shooting for Shakun Batra’s untitled film where she plays the female hero.

Deepika’s calm-after-the-storm attitude must come as a blessed relief to producer Karan Johar who has been going through a prolonged rough patch in the public domain.

A source says, “Karan was all set to close down the film and call back the supporting cast Siddharth Chaturvedi and Ananya Pandey from Goa. But Deepika has assured Karan she’s fine and ready to resume shooting. This is all for the best considering she is the hero of the film, present in almost frame of the screenplay.”