The evening began with the shocking news of South cinema’s famous multi-talented actor, director, comedian, and producer Manobala’s death. As per the report, the actor and director passed away at his home in Chennai today after suffering from liver issues. He was 69 years old. In addition, the actor underwent an angio treatment at the start of the year. Manobala was receiving medication at his home. But, unfortunately, he died today.

Manobala was a multi-talented actor. He debuted as an actor and assistant director with the film Puthiya Vaarpugal in 1979. In his career in showbiz, he has directed over 24 films, while his directing debut was the 1982’s film Agaya Gangai featuring Karthik and Suhasini.

However, he was last seen in the film Ghosty featuring Kajal Agarwal in the lead role. He has also appeared in films like Kondraal Paavam, Varalaxmi Sarath Kumar, and Waltair Veerayya.

Manobala has also produced films. For example, he created Sathuranga Vettai, which marked the debut of stars H Vinoth and Pambu Sattai.

The talented actor Manobala was born on 8th December 1953 in Marungoor. He was famous and friends with many A-lister actors in the South cinema. The superstar Rajinikanth on Twitter wrote, “I am saddened by the death of the popular director, actor and my friend Manobala. My condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace”.

While Kamaal Haasan said, “The news of the passing away of a good friend who was a director, actor and producer, Manobala, is a great sadness. His primary identity was that of an enthusiast of cinema. My condolences to his bereaved family, friends and fans.”

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