Review Of Heropanti 2 Trailer: Chu..yapanti Multiplied by 2

Subhash K Jha reviews Heropanti 2 trailer

When will Bollywood ever learn? The movie moghuls with fat bank accounts and zero creativity seem to think no-brainers like Bachchan Pandey and Heropanti2 will storm the boxoffice.

Little do they know. The world and its moviegoing habits have changed beyond recognition during these last two years. What seemed like pretty is now petty(ref: Radhe Shyam) and what was once considered poison for the boxxofice is now nectar(The Kashmir Files).

To strut around with a pea-cocky trailer of Heropanti 2 at a time when the world is reclaiming a grim and forgotten chapter of history is like wallowing in one’s piss.And it’s sad beyond description to see an actor of Nawazuddin Siddiqui being part of such unmitigated trash. He plays a Joke-styled villain named Laila…yes, that’s right Laila, and he is into global cyber theft.Laila The Cyber Chor. He is also magician.I do hope he uses some of that magic to salvage what looks like a horribly overcooked pot roast meal.

I am not too sure about what the hero Tiger Shroff plays . Going by the trailer he plays the fool a lot. Flying into the air in tandem with hurling cars and beating them down with his fists. More than the sheer incongruity of the exercise I wonder why anyone would waste so much time and resources battling automobiles when there is much more important to battle in the world.

Tara Sutaria, I gathered from the trailer , wants to have s*x with Tiger. Which is wonderful news for Tiger. Except that she doesn’t seem to turn him on. When another woman asks him to take off his trousers he does so immediately….in Ms Sutaria’s presence.

She naturally feels insulted. “With me it’s Pakeezah. With her it’s straightaway The Dirty Picture.”

To even mention Pakeezah in the context of the cascade of crudity in the trailer of Heropanti 2 is according to me, sacrilegious.

Who makes such films? We know the answer to that. Movie producers who are struck in a time-warp, their twisted minds refusing to believe that the world around us has changed irretrievably, that heroes somersaulting midair and crashing into cars suspended at illogical angles looked dishy on Rohit Shetty once upon a time. Now even he makes fun of his obsession with crashing cars.

So a question for the brains(?) behind Heropanti 2: is this a joke? Maybe after Holi you will say, ‘Ha ha guys, fooled ya. Here is the real trailer.’

And then we will see some sense fused into the fantasy elment.

A word about A R Rahman’s music . He returns to Hindi cinema after a while. The sound of his music in the trailer of Heropanti 2 is simply atrocious,The only time the soundtrack livens up is when Laxmikant-Pyarelal’s theme from Tiger Shroff’s father Jackie’s film Hero wafts across the smoggy soundtrack.

The rest is a nightmare.

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About The Author
Subhash K Jha: Subhash K. Jha is a veteran Indian film critic, journalist based in Patna, Bihar. He is currently film critic with leading daily The Times of India, Firstpost, Deccan chronicle and DNA News, besides TV channels Zee News and News18 India.