Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor are three burning hot divas who need no introduction. While Kareena is a lot senior to the other two in terms of age and experience, Alia and Janhvi have certainly established themselves as two of the hot favourites of the Gen-Z crowd. Not just the 70mm big screen folks, their social media is quite a rage in itself and we simply can’t take our eyes off them ever.

All thanks to their fitness and unlimited swag, these divas have the ability to raise the hotness quotient and temperature in literally any outfit they wear. However, seems like the bodycon dress is a common preference for all of them when it comes to flaunting their curvaceous bodies. Want to see how? Take a look below –

Absolutely amazing right? Let us know your views in the comments below and for more updates, stay tuned to