Mother-to-be Alia Bhatt is enjoying her pregnancy in style and comfort. The actress took to her Instagram and shared an adorable and comfy picture showing her ‘Work From Home’ vibe. The diva wore her own maternity line Edamamaternity multi-colour soothing white shirt. In the middle of her, she took time off to pose and gave a shout-out for her line launch, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

Alia Bhatt got married earlier in April this year along with her long-time boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. And soon after a month, the couple shared the news of welcoming their first child. The actress is now enjoying her pregnancy days carrying a child in her womb after facing difficulty styling herself during pregnancy, which has now become very complicated. The Gangubai Kathiyawadi actress thought of launching her own maternity line to ease the difficulty of styling females in their pregnancy days. This is because the female body grows fatter and needs more baggy fits.

Alia Bhatt shared the news of her new maternity line Edama maternity, by sharing a post on her Instagram account. After launching a baby clothing line a year ago now, she is launching her maternity line. Edama maternity will launch tomorrow, which the actress is excited about and shares in her story.

We are also excited to witness the new maternity outfits launch. So how much are you? Share with us in the comments and follow