Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the ace filmmaker, is on cloud nine posts the success of his latest movie Gangubai Kathiawadi. However, back in 2019, there was much anticipation building up around Inshallah after Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt were announced to be the led stars of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s directorial. However, in the coming months, the movie would be shelved, reportedly due to creative differences between the filmmaker and Salman.

As per reports in Zee News, Sanjay opened up on why Inshallah with Salman was shelved and the filmmaker and actor’s reunion, 20 years after Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, did not come through. Speaking to Bollywood Hungama, Sanjay said, “Salman is a very dear friend. I wanted to work with him after Padmaavat. I put my best foot forward to make it happen. For whatever reason, it didn’t turn out; we all change as people So he has changed, in his mind I have changed. Of course, if I pick up the phone and talked to him, he will talk to me exactly the way, we have spoken in between also, he will talk to me exactly from where we left. So it’s not like we are strangers or we do not like each other or we do not speak to each other.”

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