Popular Marathi celebrity couple Akshaya Deodhar-Hardeek Joshi are married now!! The couple, who has been dating each other for the past few years, are now husband and wife. A few days back, we wrote about the couple’s pre-wedding rituals getting kickstarted. Recently their Grahamakh ceremony took place. The couple sought the blessings of the seniors and put their invitation in front of God.

With the marriage happening in style, the couple posed on social media, and put up their first post as a couple. Akshaya wrote on Instagram,

Moments that matter the most!?
Beautiful moments captured by @sevenvowstories ✨

The couple looked exasperatingly beautiful and dashing in their wedding attire. They were happy and romantic during the wedding scenes.

Check the picture here.

Picture Courtesy: Instagram

Well, we wish Akshaya and Hardeek a very happy married life!! Are you all happy for your favourite couple getting married?