Eddie Murphy burst onto the scene as a member of the cast of Saturday Night Live, and has had a successful comedic career ever since. This is something you probably didn’t know about him! Eddie Murphy is one of the most wealthy movie stars in Hollywood history, in addition to being considered one of the greatest and most influential stand-up comedians of all time. Since 1982, Murphy’s films have made a total of $3.8 billion, according to Box-Office Mojo.

Despite being one of the most favored and bankable movie performers in the 1980s and mid-1990s, Murphy had a difficult phase in his career at the turn of the century. Following a string of disappointments, Murphy catapulted to prominence with his Oscar-nominated performance in DreamGirls in 2006. With Eddie Murphy’s film Coming to 2 America about to be released in theatres in December, it’s time to learn more about him.

Charitable Causes: Because Murphy has kept his public image so low, few people are aware of the charitable causes and philanthropic work he has done during his lengthy career. Murphy has not only given to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, but also to cancer research, public education, creative arts, homeless communities, and other causes. Murphy has contributed significantly to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, as well as around $100,000 to the Screen Actors Guild’s “strike relief fund.”

Murphy has a long list of awards and accolades, including the 2015 Mark Twain Award for American Humor. Murphy’s mentor, Richard Pryor, received the award initially in 1998, while his protégé, Dave Chappelle, received it most recently in 2019. Several of Murphy’s close friends and family members attended the memorial service at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Murphy was arrested in West Hollywood in 1997 for soliciting a 20-year-old pre-op transexual prostitute named Atisone Seuli, which was arguably the most embarrassing incident of his career. On the network E! The incident was ranked #61 on TV’s The Greatest Shocking Moments in Entertainment History. Murphy denied any misconduct, claiming he pulled over to help a woman who was experiencing car trouble. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” Murphy insisted, adding, “I was simply trying to be a good Samaritan, and this is what occurred.”

Source: mentalfloss.com