What do you do when you get a nature call? Well, rush to the bathroom, maybe? But Dwayne Johnson doesn’t like to waste his time and take a break to get the bathroom and rather uses his water bottles to pee.

A video of The Rock went viral all across the internet where Dwayne said, “I just realized you all saw my big bottle of pee,” He added, “Look, I go hardcore when I train; I don’t have time to go to the bathroom. I find a bottle, I pee in it and I keep training like a beast.”

And in a new video, he confirmed the same, saying, “Well, yeah, the headline is actually true, I do pee in my water bottles, but let me give context to that,” he said. “It’s not a water bottle that I’ve actually purchased solely for water that you wash and you clean when you’re done using it. These are just bottles that I’m no longer using.”

He added, “Usually the gyms that I work out in don’t have a bathroom, cause they’re the iron paradise and there’s no bathroom there, it’s just hot, sweaty and dirty,” he said. “I usually stay pretty hydrated and I have to go to the bathroom a lot. Not a lot but a couple times during every workout I have to go to the bathroom so I break out the bottle.” as quoted by People.com