Priyanka Chopra has shared a photo of her Los Angeles home’s walk-in closet. Priyanka shared a mirror selfie on her Instagram Stories to give her followers a peek inside her home. On racks on one side of the walls in the image were several pairs of brown and black boots. On the other side were racked with white shoes mounted on them.

Inside the all-white closet, several trolley bags were arranged in a perfect row close to the door. She could also see Priyanka’s bedroom behind her. The bedside large glass window provided a view of the hills. When Priyanka shared the picture, she added, “Monday vibes.” Priyanka was dressed in black dungarees over a white T-shirt in the picture. She chose to wear spectacles, space buns for her hair, and white Crocs.

Priyanka grinned triumphantly while leaning to one side. She looked cute in her two cute little buns giving us major Minnie mousse goals. She looks pretty and impresses us with her stylish looks. She is a fashionable star and always won our hearts with her marvellous looks. She nails all her outfit impressing us with her stunning looks. The diva has won our hearts for her fashion game and acting skills. Fans love to see her onscreen and achieve great success in her career.

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