4 Quotes From Michael Phelps To Keep You Motivated

4 Inspirational Michael Phelps' Quotes

Michael Phelps understands better than anyone that success does not come easily. Despite his early success, he put in the necessary effort throughout the course of his career to become the most illustrated Olympian in history. He understands the value of hard work and determination, and he understands how far a dedicated individual can go. Here are four motivational statements from Michael Phelps’ career that are relevant to life goals and aspirations.

1. “I want to be able to look back on my life and say, ‘I did everything I could, and I succeeded.” “I don’t want to look back and regret not doing something.”

One of the worst sensations for a swimmer is finishing a major race and realizing you weren’t fully prepared. “If only I worked on my finishes more,” you think to yourself, or “I wish I listened to Coach and practiced my pace during practice.”

2. “I believe that goals should never be easy to achieve. They should make your work, even if it makes them uncomfortable.”

It’s easy to get into a funk from time to time. It’s easy to allow how your body feels to take over after some strenuous workout. You’re sore, exhausted, and unsure if taper will ever arrive.

3. “To be the best, you must do things that others are unwilling to do.”

This holds true at any time of year. Most people’s preferred activity is not getting up at the crack of dawn when it’s chilly outside. When you tell your non-swimmer pals about your practice schedule, they look at you like you’re crazy. They frequently say, “I don’t know how you do that.”

4. “There is no such thing as a limit.” “The more you dream, the further you will travel.”

Last but not least, perhaps the most famous Phelps quote of all time, and a clear fan favorite. It may sound cliche at this point because we’ve heard (and read) it so many times throughout our swimming careers.

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Jace Tuscano: Jace is a lovely mix of professionalism and proper values, dynamic and vivacious. A news junkie with a talent for networking. When not writing, he likes to sing, exercise, and play outside.