There are several reasons why people join revolutions. The following are some of the most compelling reasons to join the e-scooter caravanserai. It’s up to you whether you nod excitedly or tear each point apart.

1. They’re green, for starters: Not so much in terms of color, but some are, such as the lush Lime e-scooters available for hire in London and Milton Keynes. The great concept with e-scooters is that they seduce us out of our gas-guzzling, planet-throttling vehicles and into the open air, propelled by this “electricity” thing that everyone is so enthusiastic about.

2. They’re entertaining: Do you recall having a good time? It’s difficult to recollect a period when we did activities that brought us delight in this plague-plagued, economically insecure, and conversationally divisive era.

3. They’re quicker than walking: This may sound like a mix of barrel-scraping and self-evident, but it’s the e-raison scooter’s d’être. True, some early adopters may want to look cutting-edge or (literally) stick out from the crowd, possibly with a fashion-forward haircut. However, the majority of us are wanting to get someplace, and the e-portability scooters are its key selling point.

4. They give you a sense of exoticism: You may or may not want to look European, and we can’t comment on that (see: ‘conversationally contentious,’ ‘circular social media certainty,’ etc. ), but how about a little Californian? For years, people on the Continent and in the far west have been zooming around on these things, and it’s a blast.

5. Take a look around: We have no idea where you live or work, but do you? Have you examined every nook and cranny? Perhaps there’s a park you didn’t know about or a coffee shop where a stunning barista produces a cappuccino that would tempt a monk to break his vows.

6. Convenience: E-scooters are the most convenient mode of urban transportation. Except for walking, which most people already have the appropriate tools for, however, as we already stated, it’s slow. Bikes are a better parallel, although they are big, especially those that fold down into a miniature art show.

7. Reducing crime rates: Another advantage of motorcycles is that they are very easy to steal. Very. Even if they’re locked up on the main street while you go into a pub, there’ll almost always be some herbert who enjoys bending your rear wheel or stealing a tyre. It’s a harsh world out there.

8. It may result in a wage raise: Are you stuck in a rut at work? Workplace underachievement? Then sneak out during your lunch break. Take a break from your work and broaden your horizons by hopping on a scooter and exploring a new environment. Perhaps there’s an art gallery nearby, a peaceful riverbank spot, or a fantastic bookstore. Or, for that matter, a truly excellent bar.

9. It may help you eat better: We’ve all been there. After a long day at work, the temptation is to go for frozen meals or order Deliveroo instead of cooking something nutritious from scratch, as we know we should.

10. You may purchase a larger home: No, seriously. It is axiomatic in both urban and commuter zones that the further you reside from a transportation node (a station, in other words), the lower your property price will be. Indeed, according to a Nationwide study published in 2019, residences within five minutes of a Tube stop are 9.4% more costly than identical ones located a mile away.
