You’ve just taken your new Android gadget out of the box, and you’re overjoyed. Perhaps your hands are trembling with excitement. Your pupils are dilated and your mouth is dry. You might not be overjoyed, but a new phone is certainly causing celebration. But what happens next? When you first get your Android phone out of the box, these are some of the first things you should do with it.

These easy activities will help you get the most out of your device right away. First and foremost, take time to enjoy what you have in your hands. You now own a portable device that is so far into the future that no science fiction writer could have predicted it.

You probably didn’t ask for and can’t get rid of a few apps that come pre-installed by the manufacturer or carrier on your phone. These apps take up space on your phone and can cause it to slow down. You might want to get rid of these items if you want to get the most out of your phone’s possibilities.

You don’t have to keep doing things the same way just because your phone is installing all of your old apps. Getting a new device is a great way to break old habits and start making better life decisions—or at the very least, better app decisions.

If you use your phone for banking, shopping, or pizza delivery, it includes a lot of critical information. To secure your privacy and identity, it’s critical to put in place effective security measures.