One person may manage several Instagram profiles in 2019; one for personal posts and a second or third for your job, your pets, your favorite hobby, or a side hustle business. Regardless of why you use Instagram, you should be aware of the privacy and security options available to you, despite being hidden in the app settings. These can assist you in keeping track of how your personal content is shared and preserved, maintaining the order and cleanliness of your comment sections, and reducing some of the stress and worry associated with being constantly logged into social media.

Everything you upload to your Instagram Story is automatically archived and kept on Instagram’s servers, which is a function I was not aware of until very recently. This is really helpful at this time of year when you might want to reflect on the previous year and add highlights to your story. However, you can go in and switch off the story archiving option if you prefer the concept of your tales disappearing after 24 hours or simply don’t like the thought of a Facebook-owned firm keeping up even more of your personal data.

Everyone who comments on Instagram leaves comments, but you might not appreciate everyone’s feedback. Particularly if you have a public account and utilize hashtags in your post, social media comment areas have a habit of drawing trolling comments or other foul language. You shouldn’t have to do this in order to prevent offensive comments from long-lost friends or unwanted comments from total strangers. Not everyone wants to lock their account down as private. Instagram really allows you some good control over the comment areas on your posts, allowing only friends or followers to leave comments and allowing you to block followers without them being aware of the block.

Another default setting on Instagram is Activity Status, which displays your availability or the most recent time you visited the platform to your followers.

In the Direct Messaging tab, you can view the activity status of anyone with whom you have interacted via Instagram Stories or D.M.s. The majority of individuals might not find this function to be problematic, but there are instances when you may not want to advertise your online status or care to know when others are using Instagram. For an additional degree of privacy, you can choose not to opt-in to publishing your activity status.

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