Surbhi Jyoti, an actress, has said that she has received negative feedback from her co-stars due to her ‘easy success.’ Surbhi added in a new interview that she would ignore them because she believed they were ‘simply venting their frustrations.’ Surbhi Jyoti believes that people are condemned for choosing acting as a job since society views it as a “bad occupation.” She went on to say that they believed ‘that people in this field, particularly girls, are not decent.’

“When you have an easy success, people can’t digest it,” Surbhi stated in an interview with Bollywood Bubble. “Co-actors used to say things like, ‘Kam paise mein nayi ladkiya utha k le aate hai (they bring fresh females for less money)’, ‘talent hota nahi hai (they don’t have any talent)’, and other things like that. I’d prefer to stay away from them because I feel awful about them, and they’re simply venting their frustrations. My adventure has been nice so far if you just ignore them.”

The above information is according to

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