Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat’s (Neil Bhatt) separation. While Sai is back in Nagpur to resume her college while staying in a hostel, Virat is heartbroken after sending Sai out of home.

Duty calls Virat for a dangerous mission and his life is at threat. We wrote about Sai ignoring Virat’s call.

Virat gets into thick action where he is shot on his chest and is rushed to the hospital. His family is informed and there is panic. Meanwhile when Sai will get to know that she did not take Virat’s call when he called just before his huge mission, she will be upset. She will weep her heart out and will receive a shock when she will get to know of Virat taking a bullet.

She will rush to meet Virat and will again face taunts from her family.

Will Sai’s prayers be answered?