Udne Ki Aasha the Star Plus television show produced by Rolling Tale Productions has seen engaging drama with Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) forgetting Sailee’s (Neha Harsora) birthday. As we know, Sailee was very happy that her birthday was coming, and even believed that Sachin had a surprise planned for her. She was sad when she got to know that Sachin did not even remember her birthday. Sachin felt bad that he forgot the special day, and thought of making amends. He wanted to make the day special for Sailee. We wrote about the flowers which he gave Sailee to wear.

The upcoming episode will see a different side to Sachin where he will be seen making decorations for Sailee and ordering a cake. He will go out of his way to make Sailee’s day special. However, the day will not turn out to be as happy as Sachin expected. Sailee will be distracted by her work, and calls, and this will hurt Sachin a lot.

Sachin will be seen getting emotional in front of Sailee. He will show her the decoration that he made, and will tell her that he has never done all of it in his life and did it only for her. Sachin will praise Sailee for being a great support to him, and for all the care and affection she gives him. Sachin will tell Sailee that he wants to make her day special as she goes out of her way to help him out every day. Sachin will also express himself saying that he now feels that he comes last in the priority list of Sailee, after all her work-related people and friends.

Will Sailee be able to make Sachin alright?

Set in a Marathi backdrop, Star Plus shows Udne Ki Aasha to depict a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband, and her challenge to make him transform for the sake of her and the family’s progress. Kanwar Dhillon essays the character of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns his livelihood with it, while Neha Harsora portrays the role of Sailee, a florist who dabbles in various small businesses and makes a living out of her other chores, in the show Udne Ki Aasha.