Zee TV show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, entertains the audience with twists and turns featuring Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja in lead roles. The show’s upcoming episode, which airs on 11 October 2024, will keep you on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting the next episode.

In the upcoming episode, Virat (Arjit Taneja) expresses his concern for Rajiv to Dildar. He shares that he should have informed the Commissioner the moment he saw Rajiv in the hospital. Babita is shocked and questions that he met Rajiv earlier but didn’t tell her. Virat emphasizes that he shared it with her trust. On the other hand, Amruta (Sriti Jha) regains consciousness and finds herself and Nimrat’s hands tied. She screams for help, and Priyanka notices this, making her worried.

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Virat expressing his concern to Shekar that the hospital staff is with Rajiv because a criminal cannot come and go easily to jail. Virat asks Shekar to call Dildar and ask him to talk to the Commissioner and deal with Rajiv. Dildar decides to meet the Commissioner, and he takes help from Harsh. Wendy stops Harsh from helping Dildar, but he ignores her advice.

On the other hand, Anjali shares with Babita that Dildar went to meet the Commissioner with Harsh on his bike. Babita tries to downgrade Amruta’s family, and Wendy gives her a befitting reply. Amruta and Nimrat come to leave home. Amruta stops Wendy and Babita and asks them to go home.

On the other hand, Amruta finds Nimrat crying, and she consoles her. However, they are shocked to hear some now from the car’s boot and find Ishika in there. However, Priyanka makes them unconscious by injecting them.