Meet written update S01 Ep183 5 March 2022: Masoom tells that she is pregnant

Meet written update S01 Ep183 5 March 2022 we can see that Meet and .eet Ahlawat tricks Hawa singh to get in the party. Later, Maasom announces her pregnancy.

In today’s episode we can see that Meet Ahlawat approaches Meet and says, “Come with me, I’ve got something for you.” Ram and Lakhan are seen studying with Tej in Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says studying with him is fun, and look at these two studies with him. Meet says you made me happy, and now it’s your time. Masum begs them to sleep and warns that if Sunaina produces a child, my son will be without anything, therefore I must act. At the celebration, Meet inquires as to when Hawa Singh will arrive. Meet says he needs to come and takes the phone, saying, “Such a minor problem, I’m sending a car,” to which Hawa Singh replies, “No, I have a lot of other things to do.” I’m coming, says Hawa Singh. You have extended such a warm invitation to me.

Deep answers yes when Meet calls him and asks whether he knows what to do. Raj decorates Babita’s hair with a flower. Masum walks in coughing and adds, “I am not genuinely not feeling well.” Duggu says she isn’t feeling well. Sunaina says, “You have such a big heart, and it makes us so happy.”

Hoshiyar is a tragic character. Masum, Tej says, I can’t thank you enough. When Hawa Singh enters, he adds, “Come meet my family.” Hawa Singh says just keep doing what you’re doing because it’s beneficial for everyone. When Meet asks what he means, Hawa Singh replies he’s fine and that he’s happy.

Raj expresses his delight at your presence and requests that you have a good time. Sure, says Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh inquires of Meet and Meet Ahlawat as to where their companion is, and Meet Ahlawat responds, “Come with me.” Meet Ahlawat presents Hawa Singh to Deep and then departs.

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'