“Success only comes to those who work hard for it” this saying is very popular and a lot of people have proven it right. This time we will share the success story of Mr Ashu Sehrawat, who fought with all the odds and became the youngest millionaire. Starting from a very young age, he has come a long way in the field. He is the founder of the famous company the tradingfever.com

In the year 2011 teenagers were creating Facebook account to connect with their friend but Ashu created to connect influential people like Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey virtually to develop new ideas and experiment ability. After spending some time on the internet he got an idea to learn Social Media Marketing himself, he created his first Facebook page in 2011 and started his new practical experiments which he learned from free sources available on the internet. His page was started growing slowly and after a few months his page was crossed 5 million likes and generated millions of traffic. This was the turning point for Ashu, his page became very popular on Facebook and he was approached by many big corporate houses for digital marketing services.

His business was growing at a faster pace than expected as a result of which he was able to launch his own digital company in 2013. His company mostly provided solutions to social media marketing strategies. He started working on a lot of projects simultaneously. His entry into the stock market is also a very interesting story.

Once, his company received a contract for a trading platform and for which they have to generate leads. Ashu didn’t have any knowledge about this sector but work is worship for him. He has always a quest for learning new things and thus this learning ability helped him to learn about this market. He resorted to a lot of websites and journals to get a wide idea about this field and as a result of which he was able to generate leads more than that was expected.

However, post completion of this project he started talking an additional interest in the stock market field. He worked day and night and learnt new things about this in a short period. His hard work made him a pro player and thus he became a full-time investor and handed over his digital company to his friends. Today his investment company Trading Fever is one of the most trusted company for small investors or beginners.

The company is best amongst others as it charges nil from the investors. They generate their revenues from the users who are real-life traders. The portal has a lot of experiences professionals who guide the beginners at each level. The investors also get hands-on cash market segments such as Intra-day trade, delivery trade, margin trading, limit and market type orders, transfer of intraday trade position to delivery.

You can follow Ashu on Facebook