If you are someone who follows American entertainment content closely, you will well be aware of the fact that Jaden Smith is one of the most promising young stars to emerge in the last few years. The 23 year old is an actor, rapper, singer and courtesy all the multiple hats that he wears, his fan following keeps getting better with every passing year.

Some of his best songs and albums we have heard over the years are Syre, Erys, CTV3, Cool Tape Vol. 3, Sunset Tapes & many more. If you are someone who likes the ‘hip hop’ & ‘punk’ sense of style in your vogue, Jaden is nothing less than a style icon for you.

Over the years, his style statement has only gotten better and we love whatever we see coming from his end. So today, we show you all an instance of his style evolution that you all must see and admire. Take a look –