All kinds of dry fruits are rich in high nutrients and we should add all kinds of dry fruits to our daily diet. Prune is also among them. Prunes are a powerhouse of all nutrients and adding them to our diet can provide plenty of health benefits. According to the study 100 grams of prunes contain 240 kcal, 2.18 grams of protein, 7.1 grams of fibre and 63.88 grams of carbohydrates. Adding prune to our diet plan is highly beneficial. Compared with lots of fruits and dry fruit prunes are far more superior than them. Here we look at how prunes can help in weight control.

Consumption of dry fruits may not be recommended for weight loss, but prunes are altogether different dry fruit which is helpful for your weight loss. Researchers made two groups of people. One group has been told to eat healthy snacks and another group told to eat prunes throughout active weight loss. Researchers found that the group who ate prunes lost more weight than those who ate healthy snacks. Also, those who ate prunes shed extra cms of their waists. In the weight management diet program, it is found that prunes are good for weight loss without showing any side effects. Here we look at how prunes helping Weight gain.

Many dry fruits are better for your weight gain. They are small condensed fruits with high energy. This is why it can be used for weight gain purposes. Prunes are dry plums that are packed with high nutrients. Prunes can help you effortlessly gain weight. They are delicious and high-calorie dry fruits that are readily available in the market. You can add prunes to your diet for weight gain purposes.