Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and gives you various types of benefits to your health. There are many concepts, which are not clear to most people. Due to this, many misconceptions and myths about yoga arise and people still believe in it.

Here we look at 10 misconceptions about yoga that you should know to make your life peaceful.

1. Doing Yoga means just posture.

This is one of the myths about yoga and yoga has a lot more than doing postures. Yoga is a spiritual journey and helps you in building your mind, body, and soul.

2. Yoga and meditation are completely different.

This is also another myth surrounding yoga. This belief is mainly due to the association of yoga only with yogic postures and asanas. Actually, meditation is another vital limb of yogic philosophy.

3. Yoga is as good as a physical workout.

Though yoga is a type of exercise and workout for the whole body, it brings harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

5. Yoga is A Hippie Trend.

Hippie culture is associated with yoga in the ’60s and ’70s. During this period of hippie culture, many found solace in drugs through yoga. Yoga isn’t the hippie trend.

6. Doing yoga is difficult.

This is also one of the myths and if practiced in the right way and under proper guidance, yoga isn’t difficult.

7. Only women prefer yoga.

Basically, yoga is only male-only practice, and recently women’s participation has increased. This is totally a misconception.

8. Pregnant women should not do yoga.

Though certain yoga poses women should not do in pregnancy, it’s wrong to say that pregnant women should not do yoga.

9. Practicing yoga means becoming Hindu.

Though yoga philosophy was discovered under the Hindu culture, yoga doesn’t make anyone Hindu. This is the myth and misconception about yoga.

10. You can learn yoga from books, videos, and the Internet.

Though yoga is easy to learn, you need experts to teach you and proper guidance is required and you can’t casually learn yoga through books, videos, and the Internet.

Those were 10 misconceptions about yoga that you should know.