Due to the low content of calcium, bones may become weaker and due to this, there are chances of Osteoporosis. This is a common disorder people are suffering from these days. It helps if we consume calcium-rich foods. Also, physical activities, especially yoga helps a lot in strengthening bones and joints. It also helps to make muscles strong. Here are five yoga postures that will help strengthen the bones and muscles.


Stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Palm should face downwards and stretch hands to the front without bending elbows. Slowly bend your knees and push your pelvis down gently as if you are sitting in a chair. Make sure you keep your hands parallel to the ground. Sit straight, lengthen your spine and relax.


Stand on all four limbs, with your knees positioning below your hips and placing your hands in front of your shoulders. Spread your palms and turn your toes under. Exhale and push your knees away. By lifting your sitting bone downward-facing dog pose, stretching your shoulder, hamstring, arches, hands, and calves. It strengthens arms and legs.


Keep your legs around 4 feet apart. Turn right foot by 90 degrees and left foot by 15 degrees. Ensure your body is equally balanced. Inhale and exhale as you bend your body. Keep the waist straight. Rest your right hand on the floor and stretch your left arm towards the ceiling. As you exhale and inhale bring your arms down to the sides and straighten your feet. Repeat with the opposite hand.


Lie on your back by keeping your feet hip apart and fold your knees. Knees and ankles must be in a straight line. Palm facing down, keep arms beside your body. Slowly lift your lower, middle, and upper back off the floor while inhaling. Support your weight with shoulder, arms, and feet. Breathe easily and hold for around two minutes and exhale as you release the pose.


Lie on your stomach. Keep your legs together. Palm downwards, place your hands under the shoulder. Inhale and lift your head, chest, and abdomen. Hold this for around 2 minutes. Breathing out, gently bring your head, chest, and abdomen back to the floor.