Body posture always plays a big role in many ways. If your body posture is good, it will help you with your overall well-being and personality. It will also help you to reduce body pain. Consider the importance of body postures while sitting or sleeping. Let’s take a look at the right postures that will help reduce body pain.

Let’s begin with a few sleeping positions. Sleep with one of your side with a pillow between your knees. Sleep on your side and bend your knees slightly, keeping a pillow under your knees. If there is a gap between the waist and the mattress, use a smaller size pillow. You must keep from sleeping on the same side. Sleep your side in the fetal position. Lay on your back then roll on your side. Tuck your knees toward your chest curl your torso towards knees. Switch sides after a couple of hours. Sleep on your stomach with a pillow beneath your abdomen. Sleep on your back with a pillow under your legs, rest your legs on the pillow. This will also help ease any swelling you’d have on your feet. Sleep on your back in a reclined position. All these sleeping positions will ultimately help reduce any body pain.

The sitting position also plays an important role. If your posture is good, it will help you to get rid of anybody pain. Sitting on a chair with your back straight will help. You must keep in mind to use the right chair. Keep your legs straight together while sitting. If you are sitting on the floor, do a light work-out before sitting down. This will help regulate the blood flow throughout your body. Also, don’t sit on a chair for long periods. Take time out to walk intermittently, when sitting for long time periods.