Depression became a big concern as lots of people are suffering from it. There are various reasons for depression. Depression makes you very inactivate and your daily routine gets disturbed. There are many medications is available, through which you can fight depression. Fighting depression of your own in a natural way like changing behaviour, physical activity, lifestyle and way of thinking will help you to get rid of it. Here we look at few tips to keep your depression under control as well as keep you stable.


As per the psychic,trist depressed people needs routine life. It kills your every single day. To get on the right track and control depression, you need to set a gentle daily schedule. This will help you to bring you on right track.


When you’re depressed you may feel inactivate and lose interest to do anything. It makes you feel worse about yourself. To push back you have to set daily goals for yourself. Commence with small goals which you can easily achieve. When you are in your comfort zone go on adding few more goals. There are good chances of recovery from depression if you divert your mind to achieving goals.


Exercise is a very important natural therapy for most people suffering from depression. The brain releases positive signals if you do exercise regularly. You can start slowly like walking, stretching and can go on adding a few more exercise.


A healthy diet is a key to a healthy mind, if depression tends to make you overeat, control it but have healthy foods rather than junk. Foods including omega 3 fatty acids and folic acid are good for people having depression.


If you are depressed try to take time for the things you enjoy. Try new things which will be fun to carry out. Plan the things you used to enjoy. Keep going to movies or go out often with friends and try to have as much fun as possible to live a better social life. This will surely help you to control depression.