2020 has been a year where we have all stayed at home and made home-cooked meals all year long.

With all the festivities that have been going on for weeks now, we have all indulged in favourite sweets or snacks.

It won’t be a surprise to say that we have all gained a little bit of extra weight this year.

It is about time that we think about shedding the extra weight that we have gained.

Alongside eating our favourite snacks we also thought we would follow some home workout routines but never really got to doing so.

We plan to get you all started on working on yourself to reduce the little flab around your tummy.

Here is a simple exercise that you can do at home to reduce the extra fat around your tummy and become a little healthier this New Year.


Crunches are your best friends when it comes to burning the fat around your tummy.

Multiple variations of crunches that you can do to reduce the fat. These variations in crunches can be done by anyone depending on how long you’ve been working out really.

For beginners, at workouts, simple crunches are the best to start off with.

All you have to do is lie down flat on the ground while lifting your hands and putting them behind your head. Bend your knees while your feet on the ground.

Breathing in and out is really important while doing crunches. Slowly lift your upper torso as much as you can while trying to reach your arms to your knees.

While lifting your torso remember to breathe out and continue doing this for about 10 times. Take a 30 seconds break and then continue doing it for another 10 times.

As a beginner, you can try 20-30 crunches and keep getting better with time.

This is one of the best exercises that you can do at home in your comfort.