Suffering from high blood pressure & hypertension? Try these easy asanas

Asanas you must try to get high blood pressure and hypertension in control. 

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High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, is a disorder in which arterial blood pressure rises to dangerously high levels. If your blood pressure is less than 140.90 mmHg, it is considered normal. If you have hypertension, nevertheless, your blood pressure should be less than 130.80 mm Hg. Hypertension is referred to as the “silent killer” since it raises the risk of kidney disease, heart failure, and stroke. Hereditary, excessive body weight, excessive salt, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and heavy alcohol and smokes are some of the common causes of this long-term illness. Heartbeat, breathing trouble, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and palpitation are all symptoms of severe high blood pressure. It’s critical to get your blood pressure under control if you have it. You must make some lifestyle modifications in addition to lowering your salt intake. Yoga can assist in naturally lowering blood pressure and minimising stress-induced hypertension. Here’s a list of yoga asanas that can help you lower your blood pressure. According to


The standing forward bend pose, Uttanasana, is good for your nervous system and will help you relax. The asana extends your hamstrings and abdomen muscles.

Viparita Karni

Viparita Karani is a gentle stance that helps to calm the body. This asana will help you seem younger by increasing blood circulation.

Adho mukha svanasana

One of the most common yoga asanas is adho mukha svanasana or downward-facing dog stance. It’s the ideal yoga stance for rejuvenation. This will help you to calm and settle your mind.


One of the best yoga asanas for stress treatment is Pashchimottanasana. It also helps to reduce irritability, aggression, and anxiety.

Setu bandhasana

The chest, spine, and neck are all stretched in this asana. It is a terrific stress reliever and develops your back muscles.

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About The Author
Laurel Menezes: You will find Laurel Menezes cycling or singing when not writing for IWMBUZZ. If we were to sum up her personality in two terms, well, she is agile and witty.