Schedule of modern girls and mature women nowadays, be it school exams, college assignments, work pressure in office, leaving both mind and body exhausted. Also in this coronavirus pandemic, it became an added burden of a new lifestyle. It negatively influences physical fitness, mental wellness as well as hormonal processes. This affects one key function in the female reproductive system, which is the monthly occurrence of periods. Nowadays gynecologists worldwide are reporting a sharp rise in women complaining of irregular periods. It is considered to be a worrisome trend. Proper medical care needs to be taken. Yoga will also help in many ways with these irregular periods problems. Here we look at three such yoga asanas.

Lay flat, with back on the floor. Keep your arms under your hips and elbow touching waistline. Bend both legs and with breathing in raise your upper body and back of the head. Hold this posture for a few minutes, exhale and relax.

Lay on the ground on your stomach, feet spread apart, and arms along the side of the body. Lift your lower leg and hold ankles with your hands. Take a deep breath and raise your chest and legs off the surface. Stay in this manner for a few seconds and back to normal position while exhaling.

Be in a squat position, heels flat on the ground, thighs wide and feet closer. Fold the hands, place the elbows on inner thighs by applying pressure. Swing the arms, elevate your heels, come back to the squat position and relax.

All these and many yoga poses are good for tackling irregular periods and for balanced hormones.