Yoga has acquired popularity worldwide. Yoga can be performed anytime, preferably morning and evening on an empty stomach. Yoga benefits your overall health, and well-being. There are many yoga asanas that will help you boost metabolism and improve thyroid functions. Here we look at few Asanas among them. Before we begin you might want to seek help of a qualified teacher for more effective results. Be gentle and easy on yourself, and follow the timing and try to focus on your breath. Don’t try all the asanas at a time, instead, try with one or two.


This Asana is good for metabolism and thyroid problems. Lie flat on your back with your arms alongside your body and palms facing down. On inhale lift your leg to ninety degrees. Slowly exhale and bring legs overhead. Balance feet in the air. Release the asana by releasing your leg and while doing so exhale and repeat.


Fish pose is more accessible and can be also be done on its own. Sit on your buttocks with your legs extended. Place hands under the buttock. Draw your elbows and try to open your chest. Drop your head back if you feel comfortable. Release by lifting your head, hands and lying down on your back.


While this pose seems easy, it’s actually challenging to lie for a long stretch of time. Lie on your back flat with your feet wide apart. Extend arms around the body with palms facing up. Place head, neck, spine in a straight line. Allow yourself to relax completely with a concentration on breathing and try to forget all stress. Along with these asanas wheel pose, cobra pose, camel pose as well as boat pose can also be performed.