Colors are so much more than meets the eye! Colors are medicinal, and many old-world cultures adopted this method of healing. Colors are not, and should not be, merely fashion or trend statements in interior design. They are instruments that have the potential to improve our lives on a far deeper, psychological level. They have the power to form auras and improve one’s overall well-being. “I am fascinated by the science and art of color, as well as the influence it has on our environments and our hearts. As a result, the selection of colors is a key consideration when I design interior spaces for my varied clientele “ChampaSrinivas, an artist and interior designer, gives some intriguing color therapy recommendations.

Bedroom Color Schemes Greens and blues are mood-setting colors that are ideal for the bedroom. These cold colors are pleasant and relaxing, and they help you unwind. Certain colors have been demonstrated in scientific studies to hinder sleep while others encourage deep sleep. Blue, green, and mellow yellows are among the most relaxing colors. Muted blues, primrose yellows, and olive greens produce an atmosphere in which individuals can sleep for about 8 hours on average, but brown, gold, red, and white bedrooms have only managed to sleep for around six hours on average. Manipulating light to produce web-like shadows has the ability to calm one down. Sleep is promoted by flickering candles and the perfume of lavender, and suitable plants offer more oxygen.

Color Schemes for Dining Rooms The dining room is about giving thanks, uniting over food, and honoring the earth’s richness. The colors utilized here should be earthy, bold, and full of vitality. Spicy oranges, citrus yellows, apple greens, and tomato reds have been shown to boost appetite and help digestion. These vibrant colors are energizing, but the earthy tones are soothing and grounded.

Color Schemes for the Living Room: The living room serves as both a social gathering place and a place for the family to unwind. Visitors form their first impressions of you here. The art in this room should reflect your personality. It should define your personality, tastes, background, life views, and philosophy. This space may be decorated with a well-balanced blend of warm and cold colors.

Colors that are appropriate for a yoga studio or a study room Yoga and meditation, for example, are spiritual and holistic practices that enhance inner serenity and attentiveness. Purple is an excellent choice for achieving this seeming conflict. It is a red and blue color combination. Red is exciting and invigorating, whereas blue is soothing and relaxing. Purple has a combination of the two. The study and use of colors in a place is a significant endeavor. It is a scientific and artistic choice based on a variety of elements such as the personalities of the residents, the purpose of the space in question, cultural backgrounds, and aesthetics, to mention a few.
