Thinking in black and white might be detrimental to your romantic relationships since you continually oscillate between “right” and “wrong,” “good” and “bad.” Dichotomous thinking, to put it simply, is a type of “either-or” thinking. Black-and-white thinkers, for example, can believe that a relationship is either going fantastic or awful. Extreme ideas will always be there in the person. Relationships with polar thinkers might be especially difficult due to the emotional upheaval that they frequently experience.

Here are four ways that thinking in black and white might harm your relationship.

1. You’ll have irrational expectations

Black-and-white thinkers frequently have unrealistic expectations of their spouses. Their partners should satisfy all of their needs.

2. Make you think poorly of your relationship

If you spend too much time dwelling on the bad, you could start to come out as being too critical of your relationship. If your spouse doesn’t meet your all-or-nothing perfectionist standards, you can start to see them unfavorably.

3. Your partner will feel questioned

They understand that if they act in a way that differs from what you deem to be “good” or “bad,” you will have made an opinion about them before they have the chance to address it with you. When someone we love constantly criticizes us, it might seem like a stabbing. It is unforgiving and harsh.

4. You can decide on the relationship impulsively

Your ability to restrain your urges has a significant impact on the quality of your relationships in life. You could categorize the relationship as a fragile failure in your black-and-white thinking after one fight or one bad day.