Since beginning your relationship, have you seen a difference in the way you view yourself? Does your lover treat you like a fool, not in a sweet but rather a really dubious manner? Does your partner always, without fail, make all the decisions? Considering that he believes it would be pointless to ask you? When your better half makes you doubt your own value or ideas, we can relate to those pitiful sentiments. It is the ideal moment to locate a way out if your partner is negatively impacting your mental health and wearing down your self-esteem.

Everything appears to be flawless on the surface, and while it may be amazing, it may still be challenging if you don’t feel properly satisfied and fulfilled. But how can you tell whether they are lowering your self-worth? There aren’t any set rules for it, but the following warning indicators can help you understand the situation.

1. Always make decisions without considering you

Even if you don’t often take the lead in making decisions, there are occasions when certain situations call for both of you to participate actively in coming to the best possible solution.

2. You make an apology all the time

It’s acceptable to apologize if you did anything cruel or hurtful, but if you see that your spouse is often upset about little issues for an extended length of time, they could be trying to tell you that you are stupid.

3. You fear spending time with your partner

People who are in a committed relationship, in love, or who are happily married always look forward to sharing time or creating memories with their spouse. However, if you feel that being with them requires a lot of work, that you must muster up a lot of strength to deal with their attitude, or that you are unable to talk frankly in front of them, then it is an indication that the relationship is seriously damaging your self-esteem.