Pride month is celebrated by the LGBTQ community. In this pride month, it is essential to be pleased with each person who remains steadfast for their privileges and makes the most of them consistently to make this world a superior spot for them to live in. Still, there is hesitation and discrimination against this community. It is very saddening and if you want to contribute something to them, start to support them. Here we look at tips on pride month special.

* Acceptance is the key step to support your friend from the LGBTQ community. Irrespective of their identity let them realize that their presence is much needed and people love them.

* Educate yourself before being supportive to your friend from the LGBTQ community. Try to understand this community as a whole and unnecessary and wrong comments to be avoided.

* You should be open-minded while dealing with someone when they come out and declare their own identity. As a friend, you must stand against people who try to belittle the members of the LGBTQ community.

* Give them space and don’t interfere in their life. They are exploring truth and that is why they need space, even from supportive people.

* Attend LGBTQ community events and of course it will matter the most to your friend.

* Include them into your plan and don’t isolate them, as it may hurt their sentiments.

Those were few tips for pride month special and how to deal with someone when they come out.