Haircare is crucial in a hot, muggy, tropical nation like ours. Ever wonder what wonderful results using ingredients from your kitchen can do for your hair? Then, let’s provoke further awe. Onions! When we mention onions, you probably picture their deliciously strong aroma and the kick they add to your favorite dishes. However, Onion has an even better ingredient for hair care.

Onions, which have a high sulfur content, aid in preventing hair breakage and thinning. For hair follicles to regenerate, sulfur is necessary.

The nutrients lost from your scalp can be replaced with onion pulp, which can also hydrate your hair follicles.

Infections of the scalp can be avoided and treated thanks to the antibacterial and antifungal qualities. As a result, a healthier scalp will decrease hair loss. In addition, onions fight early hair aging due to their natural and potent antioxidants.

Regular application of onion juice or paste would nourish the hair and give it a natural shine. This shine may stick around for a while and eventually become a permanent part of your hair.

Because it is astringent and effective against infections, onion juice or pulp can be used to cure lice and prevent subsequent infestations.

Regular onion juice and oil usage has been demonstrated to increase hair volume.

Peel, then finely cut, one Onion. Blend or grind it into a powder in a food processor. To ensure no onion fragments are left in the juice, pass this pulp through a metal sieve or a fine cloth to squeeze out the juice. The pulp from the grated onions can then be strained. An alternative is to use a vegetable grater. To thoroughly soak with the juice, dunk a cotton pad in a tiny amount of this juice. Apply the juice to your head with this pad until the entire scalp is covered. After thoroughly covering the region, give your scalp a 10-minute gentle massage with your fingertips—15 more minutes of juice application to your hair.

Three times a week is a safe amount to use this medication. If you can’t do it twice a week, at least do it twice. Following six to eight weeks of consistent application, you will see a noticeable difference in your hair.

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