Few franchises are as well-known and profitable as the Harry Potter series. Throughout the 2000s, the well-known film series based on J.K. Rowling’s fantasy books took over much of mainstream culture and the film business. Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, and Daniel Radcliffe were just a few of the many excellent actors in the eight-movie series. Tom Felton, who plays the one and only Draco Malfoy, was also present.

Tom Felton scored a major coup when he was chosen to play the villainous school wizard Draco Malfoy in the first Harry Potter movie. He’s still processing the franchise’s popularity twenty years later, but first, he has a West End performance in a ghost story that’s giving him the shakes.

One of the characteristics that set Draco Malfoy apart from other characters is his beautiful golden hair. Tom Felton’s slicked-back coif added to his bad-boy persona and gave him the extra edge that Draco represented.

Tom is actually a brunette. Felton bleached his hair platinum blond every 10 days to match the description of his character provided by author J.K. Rowling. In a 2008 news conference, Felton remarked, “The worst thing was dyeing my hair blonde.” Although it developed some superhuman resistance, it seemed to have survived.

Source: CheatSheet