Nicole Kidman is up for her new movie as Lucille Ball named “I Love Lucy”. Lucille Ball is considered as a comedy legend back in the 1950s. The series was a comedy show and was a very popular series from the year 1951 to 1957. It is the best situation comedy in the olden days.

The story is a couple who has moved to suburban who firstly lived in Manhattan’s upper east side. Lucy is a housewife and Ricky is an entertainer at a night club. The housewife is constantly trying to prove her point and shows up at the night club making it complicated for the husband.

It has also won several accolades like 5 Emmy awards for best situation comedy and the best actress.
The Oscar-winning director and writer of the movie “Aaron Sorkin” has also decided the role of Ricky Ricardo. Amazon is also ready for their release of the movie “Being the Ricardos”.

Nicole Kidman was also criticised as “Not fit ” for the role, as the role was previously given to the actress “Cate Blanchett”. Debra Messing also tweets stating that she is a perfect fit for the movie postin her photo with the same hairstyle.