The biggest buzz in the media and entertainment space today is the sensational claim by the Mumbai Police that the BARC ratings are rigged.

In a press conference held on Thursday, Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh said the city police is probing an alleged TRP scam where certain news channels manipulated BARC data to boost their ratings. He identified Republic TV, Fakt Marathi and Box Cinema by name.

There are speculations that the entire hullaballoo is part of the Arnab Goswami owned Republic TV’s not-so-ceremonious relationship with the Mumbai Police.

Apparently, owners of Fakt Marathi and Box Cinema are already in police custody and summons are expected to be sent to Arnab Goswami and Republic TV top management.

Republic TV has offered a statement and has said the network will file criminal defamation case against Mumbai Police Commissioner.
The statement said: “Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh has made false allegations against Republic TV because we have questioned him in the Sushant Singh Rajput case investigation. Republic TV will file a criminal defamation case against Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh. There is not a single BARC report that mentions Republic TV. The people of India know the truth. Param Bir Singh’s investigation in the Sushant Singh Rajput case is under a cloud and this is a despearate measure because of Republic TV’s reportage on palghar, the Sushant Singh Rajput case or any other case. This kind of targeting only strengthens the resolve of everyone at Republic TV to push for the truth even harder. ParamBir Singh stands completely exposed today since BARC has not mentioned in any single complaint. He should issue an official apology and get ready to face us in court”

BARC, on its part, said in a statement:

“As in all our previous cases of suspected panel homes intrusions, BARC India continues to follow its established vigilance and disciplinary guidelines. BARC remains steadfastly true to its purpose to accurately and faithfully report ‘What India Watches’. BARC India appreciates the efforts of the Mumbai Police and will provide the support asked of it,” says a BARC India Spokesperson.

This is a developing story. Keep reading