Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il Champs will see Alkay Yagnik being given a surprise with her daughter Syesha being called.


Yes, Alka was in tears as three of her closest people were called to grace the show. Along with Syesha, Alka’s niece and a very dear friend were called.

And Alka got really emotional seeing them.

Ecstatic to be on stage with her mother, Syesha shared, “My mother has been more of a friend to me since forever and my grandmother (Nani) is the parent in the house, keeping a check on me and my mother. Till date, if we have to plan on going out, we need to seek permission from Nani. We always end up having so much fun together, we travel a lot together as well. The world might know her as the beautiful singer that she is, but to me, she’s the world. I have shared adventures, secrets, fears, hopes and dreams and I’m blessed that she’s been so wonderful towards me. Sometimes I do boss around and question my mom if she has eaten or taken the medicines on time, if she has reached the studio, and she’d say that I behave like I’m her mother in our mother-daughter dynamic. A lot of people might not know this about her, but I have to say she’s very naughty and she loves to sleep, and she will, if given a chance to sleep the whole day. Not just that I have seen many singers going and performing on occasions but she always spends time with family at every festival.”

An overwhelmed Alka Yagnik shared, “There are very limited people in this world whom I love, and those are the people I can die for.”