Naira is about to withdraw the case but Kartik stops her. Kartik manages to stand and that when Shivani comes with Trisha’s statement of calling off the case. Goenka’s get happy while Naira and Kartik feel guilty.

The episode begins with Kartik telling Naira that maybe she doesn’t trust the doctor, he will be walking soon. Naira says she wishes the same. He says where there is a belief, there is no sadness. He adds she is taking care of him perfectly and doesn’t want to see her sad or in guilt. While Kartik tries to walk, the doctor says he is better and can go home. Meanwhile, a hacker tries to call him. Samarth asks Gayu why she didn’t have food. Gayu says she was not feeling good. She says she feels helpless when everyone is accusing Naira who is fighting for right. Nobody thinks of Naira, what she might be going through while Kartik is in this state, everybody thinks only of Luv-Kush.

Naira gives fruits to Kartik. Naira is about to leave and she tries to hide. Kartik and Naira argue when Kartik figures out that Naira is going to apologize to Javeri. Because Suhasini and Surekha accused her of his condition. He says will you lose hope if everybody blames you to which she cries and says what should she do, she can’t see him in this state. Naira blames herself for separation in family and Trisha overhears them. Kartik says he is fine with fighting for the case in this state. Naira says she is going to call the case off so that everybody is safe. Despite all efforts to stop her, she leaves. Everybody runs behind her. Trisha has a flashback and thinks of Dadi’s words blaming her whilst walking on the road and almost gets hit by a car. Her Kartik tries to stand from the wheelchair and Kairav cheers him.

Trisha goes to the police station while Kartik stands and Naira runs and hugs him and Singhania’s look on. Kartik tells Naira that they will fight the case together with each other’s support. Naira says sorry and Kartik takes a promise that she will never commit a mistake like this ever. Whatever happens, they will never leave each other and will fight for Trisha’s justice till the end. Just the Shivani comes in and gives a written statement by Trisha saying she is taking the case off as nobody did anything, it was just a fight. At Goenkas’s house, Jhaveri comes with plants. Naira tells Kartik that they lost the case. Everybody is confused and Trisha says it’s her decision. Jhaveri says that Abhishek, Luv and Kush are free and nobody can withstand him. They took the case back.

Kartik tells Trisha didn’t she think what would Naira feel after her decision to call off the case and she says she did it for Naira. Naira gets angry at Trisha. She says justice is important to which Trisha says not at the cost of a family breaking. Jhaveri distributes sweets to Goenka’s and they are happy. Naira feels guilty. Kartik says Trisha lost the case because of them