Sirat begins the episode by saying, “I have to battle Mukesh and win before the match.” Mukesh claims she is lying, that she went against the federation and received private training and that I told her all of this to terrify her. She claims he is lying, claiming that she had personal training, that he did not train her, that he forced her to labour, and that he did not enter the arena. You can ask the girls whether Mukesh wants our state to win the Asian title. Sirat, according to Mukesh, is lying. Kartik claims that he is OK. Sirat claims that the girls are afraid to speak out against him; but, I will not remain silent; boxing is my religion, and our careers have been damaged because of a minor error; why do such individuals go free; you did not listen to me and appointed Mukesh as my coach.

Everyone should have their coach; Mukesh has come to defeat me; it’s alright if you don’t want to participate. The officials ask the girls to tell them the truth and assure them that their careers will not be jeopardised if they do so. Sorry, Papa, I lied and said I was fine when I wasn’t. I’m not fine, it’s hurting a lot, but I’ll be fine because I have a lot of responsibilities. Sirat is not to be told, according to Kartik. Sirat requests that the girls say something. He says you won’t instruct anyone until the investigation is finished, and Sirat will be trained by her previous coach. Kartik had requested them not to inform Sirat, so he asks her not to tell her. Yes, Sirat responds, I must win the match for Kartik and my country. Kartik says we’ll leave it to God and not worry about it because it’s only a minor injury. Kartik asks Dadi not to tell Sirat about the contest; they will see her afterwards. Mukesh says, “I’d like to inform Sirat that her spouse Kartik is ill and undergoing surgery.” Mukesh hangs up the phone and says, “I’ll see how you win the qualifying match now.” I’m thinking of Kartik, she says. If you lose, he continues, all of our hard work will be for nought. He apologises to Sirat, saying, “I know this victory will be for the country.” If anything occurs to Kartik, he requests the doctor to convey the letter to Sirat. Kartik declares, “I am confident.” He goes outside and explains that we need to get blood for Kartik because his blood group is unavailable, and if anyone in the family can donate blood, that would be great.