Type Writer, the story follows a gathering of companions who are wild about phantoms and needs to catch one. They have their eyes set on a creepy manor, which they accept has a phantom living in it. After another family moves into that home, they feel it’s imperative to get the apparition/ghost rapidly before something terrible occurs. The arrangement rotates around the past occasions that occurred in the manor and its repercussion in the current story.

Bhram, It is the story of Alisha Khanna, who is an author. Her life takes a 360′ transform after she gets into a fender-bender. To smooth things down in her life she moves to her sister’s home in Shimla. Be that as it may, after coming to there, she begins seeing a young lady. From the start, she overlooks everything, thinking it as insignificant mind flights, but with research, she finds that the young lady she saw had passed on 20 years back. As Alisha’s cooperation increments with that young lady, she gets curious about her past and the purpose behind her demise.

Tantra is a convincing series demonstrating the hazardous forces of black magic. Tantra jumps into the taboo topic of evil occult. It might be unusual however dark magic has consistently been a piece of Indian culture. Individuals do insane things to prevail throughout everyday life or to render retribution from someone. Here the story follows a woman who detests the fact that her rich father-in-law hands the rein of the family company to her husband’s younger brother. To get everything for her own, the lady vows to destroy her brother-in-law and his family. With the help of an ‘evil Tantrik’, she starts to wreak havoc on the family.

Here go the trailers!!