Video games are gaining more popularity nowadays. The video game is human-computer interaction. There are lots of various games. Some give you entertainment or knowledge or improve your thinking abilities. On another side few games are negatively affecting your mind. Scientists observed that action video game players exhibit better attention, motor control ability and short-term memory. But the way action shooter uses their brain to navigate changes the impact the games have on their nervous system. This is quite tricky and can in long run affect your mind. Here we look at online games which are affecting your mind.

In one study different types of video games given to different people. Shooters like Call Of Duty, Killzone, Medal of Honor, and Borderlands 2 or 3D platform game Super Mario 64. All these participants never play before. The studies show that games can be either detrimental or beneficial to the brain’s spatial memory system. Some studies found that certain video games may be linked to obesity, lack of academic achievements, addiction to video games, and lack of attention. Video games that are violent increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviour, in the short, and long-term. There are other factors also involved in it, like the amount of time spent, content, structure, mechanics and context. Together with this, all aspects can explain different results.

The amount of time spent on games is very crucial and it will affect the mind also if no check on the time you spent on games.

The contents of the game are also playing an important role. If games having violent content, then it may give violent behaviour among kids and violent tendencies can extend into real-life situations. Athlete so the structure of the game and context of the game plays a crucial role in deciding the types of games. Few games can negatively affect your mind if its contents are of that nature. The context of the game influences it’s that on the brain and learning. A game’s social context may change other outcomes as well. Playing violent games with a group of friends may support aggressive actions.