Parsley is a flowering plant which is produced in the Mediterranean. There are many types of it, most common are Italian flat-leaf and French curly-leaf. Parsley is also used as medicine in treating many health conditions such as lowering blood pressure, allergies, and other diseases causing inflammation.

Here are some health benefits and uses of parsley.

30 grams of parsley contains
Calories: 11 calories
Carbs: 2 grams
Protein: 1 gram

Rich in antioxidants
Parsley contains many antioxidant properties and also helps in treating our internal body
Antioxidants are compounds that help us prevent cellular damage to free radicals.

Supports bone health
Your bones also need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals in varying amounts to remain healthy and strong. Parsley is full of vitamin K, which is essential for bone health.

Rich in nutrients to protect the eyes
Lutein, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin are three carotenoids present in parsley that help protect your eyes and promote better vision. Carotenoids are pigmentations that are found in plants which have a powerful antioxidant that actively help organs develop and stay healthy.

Easy to add to your diet
Parsley is a versatile and inexpensive option and is used in almost all dishes. You can use the dried version for various recipes. It helps in enhancing the flavors of soups, stews, and tomato sauces. It is added to many Italian dishes as well.

Fresh parsley toads a great flavour to salsas, marinades, and seafood. it enhances its flavor and taste. Usually, parsley is also used in dishes that aren’t cooked.