The very popular and heartthrob Ananya Pandey always captivate fans through her on-screen appearances and versatile style statement on her social media handle. Her massive fandom follows her and always waits for her latest update. Undoubtedly you must want to know some unknown things bout the diva, and so here we got you covered. Read more to know.

In a short interview with Curly Tales, Ananya Panday answered a few amazing questions. The actress was asked,

1)”How many hours do you spend on social media every day?” She replied, “Too many to count.”

2) “A dish you can eat forever” without even thinking, the actress replied, “Butter Chicken.”

3) “Favorite travel attire,” she said, “A bikini.”

4) “A morning or an evening person?” The actress said, “I m an evening person because I get to have my coffee and pancakes.”

5) “One thing that makes you angry?” Ananya said, “People those who are rude and ignorant.”

6) “Heels or sneakers?” The actress replied, “Sneakers even though I m not wearing now.”

7) “Window or aisle seat?,” she said, “Window for sure.”

8) “Favourite memory from the sets of Gehraiyaan.” Ananya said, “Favourite memory from Gehraiyaan is whenever we all five were together.”

9) “One thing or a person calms you down.” Without a doubt she said, “My dogs.”

10) “Favourite film of all time.” The diva said, “So many, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.”

11) “One inspiring quote that stays with you forever.” She said, “Just chill.”
