In a recent interview with Anandabazar Online, Ashok Dhanuka, a prominent figure in Tollywood, shared his vision for the future of his production company. Despite the growing trend of OTT platforms in the Bengali film industry, Dhanuka has decided to focus on theatrical releases, with an impressive slate of 18 films lined up for the next year.
With a reputation for delivering top-notch content, the production company is set to make a splash with its diverse genres. From relationship stories to mystery thrillers and family dramas to detective stories, their upcoming slate of 18 films has something for everyone.
When questioned about the feasibility of releasing multiple films simultaneously, especially with big-budget releases in other languages, Dhanuka argued that his production company’s films will also be released throughout the year, and there is nothing unusual about that. He expressed confidence in the quality of his films, stating that viewers always appreciate good cinema, and he hopes that his productions will be able to have audience support.
The list of upcoming films includes projects directed by notable filmmakers like Joydeep Mukherjee, Parambrata Chatterjee, Sayantan Ghoshal, and Anshuman Pratyush, among others. With a mix of experienced and new talent, Dhanuka’s production company is poised to impact the Bengali film industry significantly in the coming year.
While the OTT space continues to grow, with new platforms like Friday, Eskay Movies, and others entering the market, Dhanuka’s decision to focus on theatrical releases is a testament to his faith in the power of cinema. As the Bengali film industry evolves, it will be interesting to see how this strategy plays out and whether Dhanuka’s productions can captivate audiences in a crowded market.