The trailer of Jio Studios and Aamir Khan Productions’ ‘Laapataa Ladies’ directed by Kiran Rao has given a glimpse of its humoristic world. This has indeed elevated the excitement to see what the director Kiran Rao has to bring to the table this time. Amid the rising buzz for the film and the response to the first song ‘DoubtWa’, the makers have now surprised the masses with the teaser of the second song ‘Sajni’.

Following the first song ‘DoubtWa’ ,the masses were demanding for the release of the second song from the film and taking into consideration the makers has thrown a surprise,by unveiling the teaser of the beautiful romantic track ‘Sajni’ from the film, while the song will be releasing tomorrow.

Taking to the social media,the makers wrote
“Love in every note with Arijit Singh’s #Sajni coming your way on 12th Feb. Teaser out now


View Instagram Post 1: Watch : Kiran Rao Drops Teaser Of Second song, Sajni From 'Laapata Ladies' with love in every note By Arijit Singh! Song out tomorrow!

Presented by Jio Studios, ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is directed by Kiran Rao and produced by Aamir Khan and Jyoti Deshpande. The film is releasing on March 1st, 2024, and has been made under the banner of Aamir Khan Productions and Kindling Productions, with the script based on an award-winning story by Biplab Goswami. The screenplay and dialogue are written by Sneha Desai, while the additional dialogues have been jotted down by Divyanidhi Sharma.