Gorgeous actress Soumya Seth, who rose to fame as Navya in daily series Navya, seems to be facing tough time in her marriage life.

Somya married her boyfriend and US-based filmmaker Arun Kapoor in January 2017 in a close-knit affair. Later, she was blessed with a baby boy named Ayden on 22 August 2017.

The actress took to Instagram and shared a long message which hints that she has faced injustice, emotional manipulation’s and physical abuse.

Her posts says, “8 years ago when I took up Navya I was 21 years old girl… wanted the world to believe in love !!! Wanted to heal the world with love !! I believed everyone deserves love and to be loved. I was in my own country. I lived with my parents who protected me from everything evil.

I have grown up – I have seen violence, I have seen illicit drugs (including coccaine), I have seen hate, I have seen jealously, I have seen injustice, emotional manipulation’s and physical abuse!

I have seen Beautiful Faces with ugly hearts.

People who look well but are sick in heart and mind.

8 years after doing Navya I believe- Prince Charming is the most trashy concept as of today!! Girls just need to listen to their own hearts and believe that they are a women with substance and their happiness should not depend on any guy. Today I can tell being honest is expensive and worthless and painful and stupid.

All that being said Navya was a beautiful dream and I am grateful that I got a chance to live it for few days!! Some of the Most memorable days of my life !! Grateful forever!! Amm ladki ki Khaas Kahaani!!.” (sic)

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