Akshara weeps in today’s episode. Akshara is met by Kairav, Manish, and Aarohi. Manish inquires of Akshara as to what has occurred. Akshara claims she was terrified. Harsh and Anand are introduced to Akshara. They tell Manish that Mahima had been watching Akshara all night. Aarohi informs Akshara that Abhimanyu informed her that Rohan was also looking after her. Akshara is taken aback.

Abhimanyu is asked by Rohan to sign Akshara’s discharge papers. Abhimanyu is asked by Rohan if he will not meet Akshara. When the Goenkas see Akshara at home, they are relieved. Anand tells Manish not to be concerned because Akshara will be treated as if she were in a hospital. He delegated Akshara’s care to Aarohi. He goes on to say that Akshara is recuperating and that they can proceed with the wedding. Akshara is taken aback. Aarohi decides to speak with Akshara as soon as possible. Akshara is asked to take a break by Anand.

Abhimanyu gets informed about Neel’s wedding. Mahima inquires about Akshara with Abhimanyu. Harsh interrupts and informs Akshara that she requested to return home, thus she was dumped. He assures Abhimanyu and Mahima that Akshara will be OK by tonight and that the Goenkas will begin planning the wedding. He wishes Akshara and Aarohi nothing but happiness. Akshara wakes up the next day and declares that she is unable to let Abhimanyu leave her life. Aarohi brings Akshara breakfast. She expresses her regret to Akshara. Aarohi is confronted by Akshara about the money. She tells Akshara about her upcoming MD exam. Akshara is taken aback. Aarohi requests that Akshara refrain from lecturing her. Akshara attempts to persuade Aarohi not to lie because the truth will destroy everything.