Actor Aishwarya Rai is one of the leading Bollywood beauties. The actress made her first appearance as a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s show back in 2005, when she was 30 years old, and like her chat with David Letterman, most of the discussion was devoted to busting myths Americans have about Indians. In this case, about Indian women.

As per reports in Hindustan Times, Oprah admitted that Aishwarya can’t speak for every Indian woman, but as a representative of her culture, she’d be able to shed some light on questions that Oprah has had. WhAen the host asked Aishwarya if kissing is common in Indian culture, the actor said, “It’s not really a familiar sight. People kiss, but it doesn’t happen around the street corner. It’s a more private expression of emotion, so I guess art imitates life and that comes across in our cinema.”

Later, Oprah asked Aishwarya what Indian women think about American women. Soon, Aishwarya mentioned that they think American women are opinionated. Check the video below!